Who will benefit from and enjoy using the Magic Banana®?

The short answer: virtually every woman. Whether you are inexperienced, highly-experienced or even just out of practice – the Magic Banana® has something for women of all ages.

The longer answer:

  • women who are already in touch with their bodies will enjoy the addition of the the Magic Banana® to their practice, partnered or solo
  • less experienced women, who want to explore and understand their bodies
  • women who wish to bear children, to tone and help prepare for childbirth
  • women who have given birth, to restore and tone
  • women who are pre, peri, or post-menopausal, so they may love (and continue to love) the body that seems to be betraying them
  • women without partners, to keep the fires stoked
  • women whose partners love to please them – the Magic Banana® takes foreplay to another level