Read the full review of the Magic Banana® on here. “Better-Sex Homework You’ll Actually Enjoy”
Use a Magic Banana “Strong pubococcygeus muscles can give a tighter grip during sex and are better able to contract, leading to increased blood flow and more intense orgasms, says sex and relationships expert Laura Berman, PhD. She adds that women … Continue reading

Review on
The Magic Banana® was recently reviewed on in an article on “The Magic Banana ®. Never heard of it? I hadn’t either. It’s a flexible accessory for “strengthening your inner magical muscles.” I’m not going to get anymore detailed, but I think … Continue reading

Featured on
The Magic Banana® reviewed on – you can read the full article online here.
‘This is no one-trick pony… the Magic Banana® is revolutionary!’
An exuberant endorsement from the G-boutique blog, written by Anna – G-Boutique’s #1 teacher and trainer for workshops and toy talks. “Hands down, this may be one of the coolest toys we have ever sold. When you first see it, you … Continue reading
The Magic Banana® delivers … without a hint of shame!
“The Magic Banana® makes a great travel companion; it is both airport-security and waiter-friendly!” I was sitting in a beautiful outdoor cafe in Sedona, Arizona, on a gorgeous day in May, with Marlene and Kim – two women who were attending a conference I … Continue reading
‘I believe this Magic Banana® is the secret key to unlocking the inner muscles of the pelvic region to promote strength and suppleness’
“As our physical bodies mature we should acquire methods to keep our inner juices flowing as the RASA (juice or nectar) of life wax and wane. This incredible tool is, at its core, the ultimate “SHAKTI*” prop. If you have … Continue reading
How does the Magic Banana® work?
The Magic Banana® responds directly and immediately to your muscles, and works in harmony with your own movement. The flexible loop contracts and releases in conjunction with your inner muscles (‘the magical muscles’). You can insert and hold The Magic Banana®inside … Continue reading
Who will benefit from and enjoy using the Magic Banana®?
The short answer: virtually every woman. Whether you are inexperienced, highly-experienced or even just out of practice – the Magic Banana® has something for women of all ages. The longer answer: women who are already in touch with their bodies … Continue reading